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Indexing of Clinical Officers

Indexing is the process of assigning of qualified students with unique identifiers. The process is applicable to all those enrolled for Diploma in Clinical Medicine and Surgery, Higher Diploma programs and Degree in Clinical Medicine and Community Health from an accredited training institution.

All students are required to index within 60 days after admission failure to which the council will impose hefty penalties on non compliant students

Qualifications for Indexing
The following are the minimum entry requirements for a Diploma and Degree course in Clinical Medicine;

a) Diploma students

Subject Cluster Minimum Grade(KCSE/Equivalent)
English/Kiswahili – C (Plain)
Mathematics/Physics – C- (Minus)
Biology/Biological Sciences – C (Plain)
Chemistry/Physical Sciences – C- (Minus)
Mean Grade – C (Plain)

b) Degree students

Subject Cluster Minimum Grade (KCSE/equivalent)
English/Kiswahili – C+ (Plus)
Mathematics/Physics – C+ (Plus)
Biology/Biological Sciences – C+ (Plus)
Chemistry/Physical Sciences – C+ (Plus)
Mean Grade – C+ (Plus)


i. Equivalent qualifications from alternative systems of education and grading shall be authenticated by the Kenya National Examination Council.
ii. Candidates trained outside Kenya will be indexed upon return & Pre-internship examinations administered before registration with COC.
iii. Candidates trained outside Kenya should have qualified to study Clinical Medicine in Kenya before they are considered for registration.
iv. COC will recognize institutions training Clinical Medicine in other countries with regulatory and training standards
supportive of the programme and share COC entry requirements & where possible the Kenyan students proceeding to study in such colleges should be indexed.


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The Clinical Officers Council