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The Clinical Officers Council is established under the Clinical Officers Act No 20 of 2017 with the mandate to regulate the training, registration, licensing, and practice of Clinical Officers. According to Part III, Section 13, Subsection 5 of the Act, the Council is responsible for administering pre-internship/licensure examinations.

With the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, a significant shift to online learning and assessment occurred, prompting the adoption of online examinations. Online examinations, also known as e-exams, utilize the internet to conduct tests and measure the competency of candidates.


Establish national standards for COC examinations. Ensure Clinical Medicine graduates are highly competent, upholding the quality of healthcare as enshrined in the Constitution of Kenya 2010.Adapt to the paradigm shift towards online assessments to maintain the integrity and effectiveness of our licensure process.


Graduates from Kenyan institutions. Individuals trained internationally. Those with equivalent qualifications from other countries who wish to practice in Kenya.

Quality Assurance

To uphold these standards, we perform quality assurance assessments for all relevant graduates. This ensures that only skilled Clinical Officers are certified to practice, safeguarding public health.


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The Clinical Officers Council